
Power Gaming can be seen as many different things, it can be abusing GTA V Mechanics that wouldn't be realistic to get a gain in RP, which could also be classed as Fail RP or even Minor Exploiting depending on the circumstances. POWER GAMING is performing an Unrealistic Action against someone without providing them an opportunity to evade such an action, or forcing it upon them.

Fearing of your Life

All Players MUST operate with some type of Fear for their lives. Even if your character won't die and you know that, you MUST still fear for your life as you would be doing if it was real-life. You MUST consider these situations as if there's always something to lose, whether you've been exposed to potential injury, losing their life, or being robbed.

Example of an Opportunity

Subject X is distracted scavenging bins or simply on the phone. Subject Y is checking Subject X and waiting the best opportunity to approach him, he is holding a gun and instantly holds Subject X at gun-point once he have an opportunity, so Subject X puts his hands up and complies with what he was being told. However, Subject Y hears shots in the distance so turns away to see what was going on, getting spooked. Subject X sees Subject Y distracted and tryies to make a run for is life, or tackle the Subject Y.

Example of bad beaver

Subject X is distracted scavenging bins or simply on the phone. Subject Y and is friends is checking Subject X and waiting the best opportunity to approach him, he is holding a gun and instantly holds Subject X at gun-point once he have an opportunity. Subject X pulls out a gun and guns down Subject Y and is friends when it's a +2v1 Situation.

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